The Morning Walk – Episode 3 , An Origin Story

Episode 3.

31st of January 2020

Good Day to you all and welcome to the morning walk! This is episode 3 recorded on the 31st of January 2020. I am recording 13813 kms from the western coast of Ecuador. It is currently 3.36 am and the morning is slightly humid at 58 %, the temp is currently 27 degrees.

The price of Gold is up from yesterday at $1585.00 an ounce while silver is also up at $18.06 an oz.

Currently the American markets are losing their grasp on the strong hold they had shown from the previous day. Apple was down by 1.29 %. The weight of Coronavirus in China was perhaps beginning to expose weaknesses in the market. The DOW Jones and S and P 500 as a result were also down about half a percent each.

The Australian Government has gone on the back foot trying to justify its use of the Christmas Island facility as a quarantine zone. It currently desires to house people returning from snake flu infected Wuhan City on Christmas Island in order to better manage the spread of the virus. It is heavily suspected that this is simply an attempt to justify the millions of dollars in expenditures it used last year in order to reopen the facility. Inconveniently the facility is currently home to only a family of four. With millions already spent some justification is clearly in order. Advocates for shutting down the facility have voiced their concerns noting that Australia is the only country in the world to treat their citizens in this fashion.

Currently the mainstream media is reporting that 170 people have died from the illness while there are over 8000 positive infection identifications. The Buisness Insider has reported that so far Coronavirus has the lowest fatality rate when compared to more recent viral outbreaks. In the cold light of day this figure seems reassuringly positive.

However Peak Prosperity has reported a interesting point regarding the latest mortality rate of the coronavirus. The point being is that a mortality rate cannot be correctly determined until the virus cycle has ended. Chris Martenson, from peak Prosperity notes that if trying to derive a realistic mortality figure using today’s figures the actual mortality rate should be derived using today’s fatality figures from last weeks confirmed infection rate. He makes a strong argument. Using these new perimeters this would indicate how many people have died from the coronavirus since the time they were indeed infected with it.

Using these new perimeters it can be said that there were 581 confirmed cases on the 23rd of January 2020. We than use today’s mortality rate count of 170. With these numbers you get a 22% mortality rate. In other words, of the 581 people infected from seven days ago 170 people have died. Or in other words 29% of the people infected from last week have since passed.

Conspiracies surrounding the coronavirus are rapidly rising. Some are almost to coincidental not to have a string of truth in them. For example. Wuhan City is home to China’s largest biological study facility named the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory and yes, as far as anyone can figure out the virus conveniently starts in Wuhan. The other conspiracy is that this was some type of biological warfare attack, this was reported by the Washington Times. In the article they mention an Israeli biological warfare expert @rajfortyseven who made the suggestion that the biological warfare facility in Wuhan is possibly responsible for the release of the virus. Meanwhile inside China there are reports that the United States is some how responsible for the release of the virus. With so many conspiracies floating about it is good to get the facts out visible for the whole world to see. It is a fact that the virus can be manufactured. It is also a fact that the virus has been manufactured in China and Australia. Perhaps there is some truth to these conspiracies and then again perhaps they are exactly that, just conspiracies. This is the problem with an event as this one. The rumours will spread faster then the virus itself.

What is extremely convenient is that Donald Trumps impeachment has suddenly disappeared from the world headlines two weeks after confirming a a phase one trade agreement with the very same country which is now heading towards lockdown and total global isolation. What is going on? There are to many coincidences in this story. Or perhaps hindsight unreasonably perplexes the perspective to any fashion the beholder sees fit. Whatever the case. We as “consumers” of this virus do not have all the information. As this is the case we cannot make informed decisions about this virus. The truth regarding the Coronavirus’s origins would be a healthy step in the right direction for good decision making.

Japan, Germany and Taiwan have all recorded their first cases of coronavirus cases in people who haven’t visited China. This is indisputable evidence of the transmission of the illness outside of the Chinese mainland. Transmission of the virus outside of China is a key subject helping to restrain experts from classifying Coronavirus into the Pandemic Severity Index.

Last night before calling it a day I read the diary entries of a lady named Guo Jong. Guo is currently quarantined in Wuhan city and has shared her diary entries with the world through the BBC. The entries reveal a bleak picture of food shortages and fear painted against the back drop of a city which is trying to stay hopeful. With approximately 46 million Chinese people currently in lockdown it is good to try and find a ray of hope in all situations. Staying informed is an important part of this hope expedition. In part this is why we do The Morning Walk.

Show Notes